Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oh, Happy Day!

What has been years in the making (literally, YEARS) has started! We finally broke ground today on our addition/renovation!!!! Yes, we are INSANE for starting this a month before we bring home a new baby, we know that. But it is so exciting!!!!

You would have thought it was Christmas morning all over again. Jack and Drew were beside themselves all morning.

"Mommy, a truck is here!"
"Mommy, another truck is here!"
"Mommy, there are workers here!"
"Mommy, he's using a hammer!"
"Mommy, he's using a drill!"
"Mommy, he's taking out the window!"
"Mommy, these are the best workers ever!"

And on and on... and on... and on...

Today they tore down the 3-season room and the boys had a front row seat in front of the sliders. They literally camped out there - ate their breakfast there, brought their toys there, talked to the men through the glass... and gave a play-by-play.

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

1 comment:

TBD said...

this thing is gonna pay for itself!