Thursday, January 28, 2010


You know how sometimes you plan something and it seems SO far away? Well, we planned a family vacation to Stowe a while back and before we knew it, it was here. We drove up on Monday after the boys got out of school and came back today (without Josh who is staying through the weekend to throw Jeff's bachelor party!).

What a great trip we had! We rented a beautiful house with lots of space for everyone and the boys shared a room and bunk beds (there were two sets of bunks, so the boys both slept on the bottom bed). This may have been the highlight for Drew - who couldn't get enough of climbing up and down the ladders (which we hid when it was time to for them to sleep). The first night was a struggle to get them to go to bed, stay in bed, etc... but each night it got better and better.

Day 1 of skiing went amazingly well. Both boys loved it and had a blast skiing for over 3 hours. Up and down the magic carpet, up and down the chair lift, going back out after lunch. So fun for them (and for Josh and Bill!) and to watch!

Day 2 went just as well, if not better, for Jack. He went on another (different) chair lift and skied the whole way down, no problem! Josh said that we was already ready for "bigger and better things". Way to go Jack! Drew, on the other hand, was not as excited about getting back on the slopes. Not sure if it was because he's still so young and day 1 wore him out or because he wasn't sleeping well (or taking naps) and he was just exhausted, but he just didn't really want to ski. After lunch he went out for a couple of magic carpet runs and one chair lift run, but that was enough for him.

A little bummed that something we had been looking forward to is over (AVB - after vacation blues), but we had a wonderful vacation and are already looking forward to the next family ski trip, whenever that may be!

LOTS of pictures......

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