Friday, February 12, 2010

Where's the Cup?

Drew had his 3-year check-up today (I know, a little late). He's growing, growing, growing - 96% for weight and 86% for height and everything is going great. I wouldn't usually blog about a well visit, but it was a particularly funny visit today.

Before his doctor left the room, he asked if Drew would be able to pee in a cup for him (Drew is not potty trained yet). I laughed and said, "probably not, but we'll give it a try". Drew laughed and said, "Pee in a cup?". I told him yes, that we were going to go to the lab down the hall and that we were going to try to pee in a cup. "Let's go!" said Drew.

The entire walk to the lab he kept saying two things over and over - almost singing them - "Where's the cup?" and "I'm going to pee in a cup!". I was signing in at the lab and the woman behind the desk asked me, "Did he just say he's going to pee in a cup?" while laughing. "Yes, yes he did". The other people waiting for their lab tests kept laughing at Drew and his "where's the cup?" and "I'm going to be in a cup!" song.

When Drew's name was called we went into the bathroom in the lab and I asked him if he thought he could pee and he said, "Yes, in the cup!". And sure enough - he did!!! (Don't worry - no pictures, but the thought did cross my mind!)

When we got home, Drew told Jack, Laura, and my parents that he peed in a cup. (Jack thought that was the funniest thing ever - apparently he doesn't remember peeing in a cup!) And when Josh got home Drew bragged some more about peeing in a cup. Funny times...

But even funnier is later on when I asked if he needed to use the potty and he said, "I'll pee in a cup!". Guess he liked it and all the attention he was getting about it! Now only if we could get the peeing in the potty thing down....

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