Sunday, January 3, 2010

Drew's Big Boy Bed

After being surprised twice in the past two days by Drew climbing out of his crib, we decided it was time for him to move to the toddler bed or the "big boy bed" mostly for safety reasons. He was very excited about being a "big boy" and maybe a little too excited because he wouldn't nap yesterday afternoon, instead just played with everything in his room that he could get his hands on, including his hamper of dirty clothes and the waste basket, which was thankfully empty. We were afraid of how he was going to do last night, but he took to the bed like a pro! We were expecting to find him asleep on the floor (because this is how we used to find Jack when we first moved him out of the crib) but instead found him fast asleep in his bed (along with lots of his toys)! YAY Drew!

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