Thursday, September 17, 2009

Swim Lessons

Jack started his new session of swim lessons today. We usually went on Saturday mornings, but since soccer is on Saturdays, we thought we'd try something new and go mid-week. And what a difference! They have the entire pool to themselves and there are only 3 of them in the class - in his last class there was 8 and one instructor and at least four other lessons going on in the same pool!! And the new instructor, Chris, is fantastic. He's great at teaching them, but also pals around with them too and gives a lot of high-fives and words of encouragement. I have a feeling Jack is going to learn a lot from Chris and will be really swimming by the end of the session!! GO JACK!

After his lesson, he wanted to use the hair dryer to dry up a bit before going home. It was too cute (and funny) not to take a picture - the dryer is as big as he is!!

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