Sunday, September 20, 2009

Big Boy Jack

We never thought we'd see this day.... Last night marked a HUGE milestone for Jack. Not only did he not wear an overnight diaper (this part isn't that surprising since he's been dry in the morning for a long time now) but he also.... drum roll please.... did not sleep with his duck (pacifier)!!!!!!!!!!!! He initiated all of it saying, "I want to wear underwear all night like a big boy. Oh, and big boys don't have ducks either". We jumped right on it, praising him up and down for a being a big boy and telling him how proud we were of him, fully expecting that he might give us a fight when he went to bed. But no, he went right to bed no problem, with his duck laying on top of his dresser so that he could see it, but not reach it. We've asked him to give up the duck many times before (he uses it only in bed and sometimes on long car rides especially when they are at night or around bed time) and as recently as a couple of weeks ago, trying to tie it in with going to kindergarten. But he was ready in his own time and it was wonderful to have it come from him. Way to go Jack - we are so proud of you!!

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