Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Drew's First Day of Preschool

Drew started preschool today! Hard to believe he's old enough to be going to school... We went earlier this week and met his teachers and saw his classrooms (he's in two different programs so he will be in two different rooms with two sets of teachers each week), so he was very excited to start today, meet his new friends, and play on the playground (which is what he remembered most)!

When we got to his classroom we hung up his backpack and went to wash his hands - the school has a very strict hand washing policy and the first thing you do when you enter the
classroom is wash your hands. After he was all cleaned up, he was off! He wasn't sure what he wanted to do first, but ended up painting an apple and was taking it very seriously! This lasted about 3-5 minutes and I knew it was a good time to sneak out. I asked for a good-bye hug, but Drew wasn't too interested and said "Bye Mom! See you later!"... I forced a big hug out of him and said I'd be back soon to pick him up. A bit sad to see our little guy growing up....

When I returned, they were out on the playground having a great time! Drew said they sang songs, had snack, and read a book... sounds like a great first day to me! YAY Drew!

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