Friday, March 5, 2010

Got Milk?

Both Jack and Drew are very interested in Ben - they want to help and they also want to know where he is at all times, how he's feeling, "is he sleeping or awake?", "why is he crying?", "are his eyes open?", "he's waking up!" - you get the picture.

Drew doesn't really understand that Ben is too little to eat or talk or really, do much of anything. He is constantly offering to share his food and drinks with Ben (which is very nice of him!), but I tell him that he's too little to eat the food that he eats. "Well, what does he eat?" and I tell him that for now, he only drinks milk. And Drew replies: "Where is the milk? I'll get it out of the refrigerator!" and runs over to get it. And everytime I say I need to feed Ben he asks "where IS the milk?"....

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