Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Egg Baby

Before Ben arrived, we used to ask the boys what they would like to name their new baby brother or sister. Drew usually said "I don't know", but Jack wanted to name the new baby Mack (and it was always a baby brother - he did NOT want a baby sister).

At school today Jack's class celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday and read the book Horton Hatches the Egg. As a follow-up activity, everyone in the class got an "egg baby" to take care of during class and he would continue to do so up until bedtime. Of course, Jack named the egg baby - you guessed it - Mack! He said he was a "real dad" and this was his baby. He'd asked us to babysit Mack when he went to the bathroom, he fed him dinner (a chicken sandwich), and wanted him to sleep in Ben's room for the night. The last step of the activity was to write on a piece of paper one responsible behavior he exhibited while caring for the egg baby and they were going to hang it up at school. I hope we get to see what some of the other kids wrote, because Jack's is pretty funny!

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