Friday, March 26, 2010

1 Month Old

Swim Lessons

We're back to swimming lessons! And now Drew is going too!

Thumbs Up

My mom (Mimi) left today after being with us since before Ben was born. She was a HUGE help and made this first month with three a lot easier than it would have been otherwise. Thanks for your help, Mimi! We love you and appreciate all that you did (and do) for us!! xoxo

Ben giving Mimi a big thumbs up!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Star of the Day

Drew was the "Star of the Day" at school today! This meant he got to bring in some of his favorite things (he brought a bottle of bubbles, a book - "Smash Crash", and his guitar), tell his friends all about himself, and sit in a special chair where his friends took turns asking him questions or saying nice things about him. Drew loved being the center of attention - big surprise!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Little Man

Josh and I went to a children's clothing store today to see if they had any dressy clothes for the boys for Jeff & Lindsey's wedding. We found a great tie that one of the boys can wear (it zips!!) and Drew tried it on when we got home. He looked down and said, "I look like Bobba!". Apparently my dad is the only person Drew has ever seen in a tie!

3 Weeks Old

It's hard to believe that Ben is 3 weeks old today! It's been a blur of not much sleep, lots of coffee, nursing, diaper changes, and chaos in the Snyder house. Mixed in, there have been very sweet moments such as Jack trying to give Ben his pacifier and Drew declaring that he "loves him (Ben)!". Us too. Happy 3 week birthday, Ben!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Making Pizza!

Back to Work

After a LONG delay (thanks to the Conservation Committee - they are super slow to begin with, but then the woman went on vacation and came back only to forget about us! - and then large amounts of rain made it not possible to dig), we are FINALLY getting going on this addition!

They dropped off the digger this morning (Jack & Drew were beside themselves) and then came back this afternoon (and with a loader) to dig the hole for the foundation.

When it was Drew's nap time, I asked him if he wanted to bring anything with him because he usually likes to bring a toy. He pointed to the loader and digger and said, "YES!! THOSE!!". I told him that I thought they were a little too big for his bedroom....

Hopefully this means all systems are a go and there will be no more delays!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The boys had a very busy St. Patrick's Day! At school today, Drew made a necklace and Irish soda bread (yes, they MADE it - Drew said he "mixed it up!" in the bowl). And Jack came home with a leprechaun hat looking as cute as could be!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010


So I've mentioned that Jack and Drew are showing lots of interest in Ben. I think that these pictures show that they can't get enough of him nor can they be close enough. At all times.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Drew Meets the Dentist

Today was Drew's first trip to the dentist! I scheduled him and Jack together, thinking that if Drew saw Jack being a big boy and not scared of the dentist, that he would act like a big boy too. And also that it would be easier to bring them together, than having to go back two times. Well.... things didn't go as well as I hoped. Josh took them and they were a little out of control in the play area... Overall, the boys did great once they were in the chairs and getting their teeth cleaned.

But next time - separate appointments!

Got Milk?

Both Jack and Drew are very interested in Ben - they want to help and they also want to know where he is at all times, how he's feeling, "is he sleeping or awake?", "why is he crying?", "are his eyes open?", "he's waking up!" - you get the picture.

Drew doesn't really understand that Ben is too little to eat or talk or really, do much of anything. He is constantly offering to share his food and drinks with Ben (which is very nice of him!), but I tell him that he's too little to eat the food that he eats. "Well, what does he eat?" and I tell him that for now, he only drinks milk. And Drew replies: "Where is the milk? I'll get it out of the refrigerator!" and runs over to get it. And everytime I say I need to feed Ben he asks "where IS the milk?"....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Egg Baby

Before Ben arrived, we used to ask the boys what they would like to name their new baby brother or sister. Drew usually said "I don't know", but Jack wanted to name the new baby Mack (and it was always a baby brother - he did NOT want a baby sister).

At school today Jack's class celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday and read the book Horton Hatches the Egg. As a follow-up activity, everyone in the class got an "egg baby" to take care of during class and he would continue to do so up until bedtime. Of course, Jack named the egg baby - you guessed it - Mack! He said he was a "real dad" and this was his baby. He'd asked us to babysit Mack when he went to the bathroom, he fed him dinner (a chicken sandwich), and wanted him to sleep in Ben's room for the night. The last step of the activity was to write on a piece of paper one responsible behavior he exhibited while caring for the egg baby and they were going to hang it up at school. I hope we get to see what some of the other kids wrote, because Jack's is pretty funny!