Saturday, February 27, 2010

Big Brothers

Jack and Drew came to the hospital today to meet their new baby brother. They were both so excited to see him! I wasn't sure what to expect - when Jack came to meet Drew he didn't even want to see him and just pretended he wasn't there. But not these boys! They came in asking, "Where's Ben?" and couldn't get enough of him. Jack, being Jack, was a little timid and cautious. And Drew, being Drew, was anything but and wanted to hold him and touch him constantly. What an amazing moment - introducing them to their new baby brother.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Benjamin Robert Snyder

It's a BOY!!! Benjamin Robert Snyder arrived today at 12:22am - 6 pounds, 8 ounces and 19 inches long. Josh & I were convinced it was a girl and were shocked to find out it was another boy - but so excited!! Welcome to the world, Ben.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

"Make it Stop!"

Our last morning of having only one child, for Jack was on him way home. Josh took Drew to run some errands and I went to get some pampering done - a manicure & pedicure. We all got to the house within 10 minutes of each other (me, Josh & Drew, and my parents with Jack). Josh said that he had taken Drew to The Fours for lunch and behind them was a newborn who kept crying.

Drew: "What's that sound?"
Josh: "The baby is crying."
Drew: "Why?"
Josh: "Because that's what babies do sometimes."
Drew: "Make it stop!"

Oh no... I have a feeling we are going to be hearing this phrase a lot in the next few weeks...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Bath Water

When the boys take baths at night they like to blow bubbles and pretend they are swimming. Sometimes Drew also swallows a little water and we tell him not to because the bath water will make him sick.

Drew has been coughing all morning and after a while he said to me, "Mommy, I'm coughing. I'm sick. I drank the bath water".

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Maine Update

When I spoke with Jack today he told me that he went "jet skiing" with Bobba and I thought maybe he played a new video game or something. But then he said, "No, I went snow mobiling!" and I wasn't sure whether or not to believe him. I asked him to put Mimi on the phone and sure enough, my dad took Jack on a snowmobile! A little nervous about it and the thought of it, but very glad I found out after it was over and done with. (And yes, I'm overprotective!!) A few minutes after we hung up the phone these pictures showed up in my inbox. I have to say that they are pretty cute - even if it does make me nervous!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

King of the Castle

It's school vacation week and my parents offered to take Jack up to Maine. Yes please!! They left this morning and will probably be back on Friday, but it gives me some time to rest (not much, but more so than if both boys were here all week fighting and wrestling one another!) and also gives us some quality time with Drew before baby #3 arrives. At first, Drew was a little upset that Jack was going to Maine without him, but he quickly got over it once he realized that he had Mommy and Daddy all to himself!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Where's the Cup?

Drew had his 3-year check-up today (I know, a little late). He's growing, growing, growing - 96% for weight and 86% for height and everything is going great. I wouldn't usually blog about a well visit, but it was a particularly funny visit today.

Before his doctor left the room, he asked if Drew would be able to pee in a cup for him (Drew is not potty trained yet). I laughed and said, "probably not, but we'll give it a try". Drew laughed and said, "Pee in a cup?". I told him yes, that we were going to go to the lab down the hall and that we were going to try to pee in a cup. "Let's go!" said Drew.

The entire walk to the lab he kept saying two things over and over - almost singing them - "Where's the cup?" and "I'm going to pee in a cup!". I was signing in at the lab and the woman behind the desk asked me, "Did he just say he's going to pee in a cup?" while laughing. "Yes, yes he did". The other people waiting for their lab tests kept laughing at Drew and his "where's the cup?" and "I'm going to be in a cup!" song.

When Drew's name was called we went into the bathroom in the lab and I asked him if he thought he could pee and he said, "Yes, in the cup!". And sure enough - he did!!! (Don't worry - no pictures, but the thought did cross my mind!)

When we got home, Drew told Jack, Laura, and my parents that he peed in a cup. (Jack thought that was the funniest thing ever - apparently he doesn't remember peeing in a cup!) And when Josh got home Drew bragged some more about peeing in a cup. Funny times...

But even funnier is later on when I asked if he needed to use the potty and he said, "I'll pee in a cup!". Guess he liked it and all the attention he was getting about it! Now only if we could get the peeing in the potty thing down....

Thursday, February 11, 2010

100th Day of School

Jack came home from school all decked out! Today they celebrated the 100th day of school and got to eat pizza in the cafeteria like the big kids!

Monday, February 8, 2010


Drew came home from school today with a Valentine from one of his friends and attached was a small tub of play-doh. After dinner, the boys wanted to play with it so we opened it up, along with another tub for Jack. Things got pretty silly pretty quickly... One of the funniest parts was that we noticed Drew made the same face each time he was concentrating and trying to work the play-doh. Not long after, we were all making the face!

Drew making the "play-doh face".

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Groundhog Day

The boys had fun at school this week creating Groundhog Day crafts!

Punxsutawney Phil says there will be 6 more weeks of winter - guess we're not seeing spring any time soon...

Where's the groundhog?

There he is!

Jack's version

Oh, Happy Day!

What has been years in the making (literally, YEARS) has started! We finally broke ground today on our addition/renovation!!!! Yes, we are INSANE for starting this a month before we bring home a new baby, we know that. But it is so exciting!!!!

You would have thought it was Christmas morning all over again. Jack and Drew were beside themselves all morning.

"Mommy, a truck is here!"
"Mommy, another truck is here!"
"Mommy, there are workers here!"
"Mommy, he's using a hammer!"
"Mommy, he's using a drill!"
"Mommy, he's taking out the window!"
"Mommy, these are the best workers ever!"

And on and on... and on... and on...

Today they tore down the 3-season room and the boys had a front row seat in front of the sliders. They literally camped out there - ate their breakfast there, brought their toys there, talked to the men through the glass... and gave a play-by-play.

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!