Thursday, January 28, 2010


You know how sometimes you plan something and it seems SO far away? Well, we planned a family vacation to Stowe a while back and before we knew it, it was here. We drove up on Monday after the boys got out of school and came back today (without Josh who is staying through the weekend to throw Jeff's bachelor party!).

What a great trip we had! We rented a beautiful house with lots of space for everyone and the boys shared a room and bunk beds (there were two sets of bunks, so the boys both slept on the bottom bed). This may have been the highlight for Drew - who couldn't get enough of climbing up and down the ladders (which we hid when it was time to for them to sleep). The first night was a struggle to get them to go to bed, stay in bed, etc... but each night it got better and better.

Day 1 of skiing went amazingly well. Both boys loved it and had a blast skiing for over 3 hours. Up and down the magic carpet, up and down the chair lift, going back out after lunch. So fun for them (and for Josh and Bill!) and to watch!

Day 2 went just as well, if not better, for Jack. He went on another (different) chair lift and skied the whole way down, no problem! Josh said that we was already ready for "bigger and better things". Way to go Jack! Drew, on the other hand, was not as excited about getting back on the slopes. Not sure if it was because he's still so young and day 1 wore him out or because he wasn't sleeping well (or taking naps) and he was just exhausted, but he just didn't really want to ski. After lunch he went out for a couple of magic carpet runs and one chair lift run, but that was enough for him.

A little bummed that something we had been looking forward to is over (AVB - after vacation blues), but we had a wonderful vacation and are already looking forward to the next family ski trip, whenever that may be!

LOTS of pictures......

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sneezing Me

Drew is under the weather - croup, fever, cold symptoms, etc... Every time he sneezes and I say, "bless you" to him he says back to me, "thank you for sneezing me mommy".

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Drew!

Drew is three! I know everyone says time goes by quickly, but it really and truly does. It's hard to believe it's been 3 years since this little man has entered our world. This is the first birthday (for either boy) that isn't being celebrated with some sort of party (can you hear my guilt??). Instead we enjoyed a quiet day at home WITH cupcakes and presents and WITHOUT the stress of throwing a party. Drew didn't know the difference, but Jack is old enough to and kept asking why Drew wasn't having a birthday party. Oh, the joys of an older sibling...

Happy 3rd Birthday Drew!! We love you!!

blowing out the candle

I eat frosting now too!

tearing into presents

cupcake #2

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Drew's Big Boy Bed

After being surprised twice in the past two days by Drew climbing out of his crib, we decided it was time for him to move to the toddler bed or the "big boy bed" mostly for safety reasons. He was very excited about being a "big boy" and maybe a little too excited because he wouldn't nap yesterday afternoon, instead just played with everything in his room that he could get his hands on, including his hamper of dirty clothes and the waste basket, which was thankfully empty. We were afraid of how he was going to do last night, but he took to the bed like a pro! We were expecting to find him asleep on the floor (because this is how we used to find Jack when we first moved him out of the crib) but instead found him fast asleep in his bed (along with lots of his toys)! YAY Drew!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Snowy Day

Happy New Year!

We woke up this morning to lots more snow than they had forecasted for. Whenever Drew sees snow on the ground he says "it's a snowy, snowy day" and along with Jack, can't wait to get outside to play. We have to force them to come back inside and get warm because they would literally stay outside all day if we let them!