Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Visit with Santa

I told the boys that after Jack got off the bus today that we would go and see Santa so that they could tell him what they wanted for Christmas and get their picture taken.

Jack: "Whoa, that's a long drive to the North Pole!"
Me: "We're not going to the North Pole, he's at the mall today!" and thinking this isn't heading in a good direction....
Jack: "What's he doing AT THE MALL??????"
Me: Changed the subject!!

It's pouring rain here today (after having an inch or two of snow this morning) and it's literally a slushy mess outside. I didn't want to go out in this weather, nevermind take the boys out in it, but it worked out perfectly because Santa was all alone and just waiting for us! In and out of the mall in under 10 minutes - can't beat that!!

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