Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Last Hurrah

Josh and I escaped to Boston for the night as sort of a "last hurrah" before Snyder Baby #3 arrives (who hasn't been mentioned yet on the blog, but yes, we are expecting another bundle of joy!!). We walked around Newbury Street (and were lucky enough to witness the 2009 Santa Speedo Run) and the Back Bay (and parked a block from our old apartment on Marlborough). We shopped on Charles Street and got coffee at Panificio, just like the old days (before kids). We had an amazing dinner at Oleana and spent the night at The Liberty Hotel. On Sunday we tried going to the Paramount for breakfast (like we used to do every weekend) but the line was out the door so instead went back to Panificio, which was just as good and better than we remembered it to be. What a GREAT night away for us! Below are pictures taken from our hotel room - what a view!

1 comment:

Kirstin said...

Fantastic! Cheers and congrats to a night away!! xoxo