Monday, July 5, 2010


So, in the world of potty training, it's all about the bribes. Most people we know use M&Ms. Jack wanted no part of that and Matchbox cars did the trick. For Drew, we knew that food would work so it was Mike & Ike's (he "hates" chocolate). We know that going #2 on the potty, for most kids, is harder than #1. Drew hasn't figured out the #2 yet, so we keep telling him (or I should say bribing him!) with a trip to the toy store to pick out anything he wants. And what he wants is a huge, blue cement mixer.

Today after a failed attempt, he was talking about the cement mixer. I said, "And how are you going to get the cement mixer?" thinking he would respond "by going on the potty".

His response? "STEAL IT!"

Guess we still have some time before he gets #2 down...

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