Saturday, July 31, 2010

Nana's Garden

We took a field trip to see Nana's garden that she's been working on this summer!

(notice Drew's gloves)

Jack collects the goods of the day.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Long Weekend

We are without a full bathroom at the moment (thanks to a new tile floor!) and Josh and I decided to take the day off and head to Mattapoisett for a couple of days to enjoy some family time, escape the company of the workers, spend some quality time with Nana and Pop, and of course, shower!

We needed to make a pit stop on the way down (because when Drew has to go he HAS-TO-GO!) and Josh pulled onto a pretty little road in Carver. It's actually America's first divided highway!

The boys got right to business and changed into their swimsuits to head to the beach. They also spotted a blow-up dolphin in the neighbors yard, which somehow made it into our yard.... and provided Jack and Drew with lots of entertainment and laughs.

A new visitor came to say hello! His name is Duncan (not to be confused with Dunkin') and the boys liked seeing him - from a distance.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Today we went to Sophia and Maelyn's birthday party! It was a hot and humid day and Jack and Drew (and Josh) were in the pool for almost 4 hours straight - no joke! After a long day the boys had a blast with their first sparklers. As I am sure you guessed - Jack was a little timid and Drew, well, not so much!

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Sign of a Good Week

Jack and Drew had a very busy week. Drew went to the beach twice and the park today - no naps this whole week! - and Jack had his first week of camp.

This afternoon at about 4pm it finally caught up with both of them.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ahoy! Part 2

Jack got a turn to play pirates this week at the Norwell Rec camp. Today was pirate day and they made these adorable masks! Argh!

Monday, July 5, 2010


So, in the world of potty training, it's all about the bribes. Most people we know use M&Ms. Jack wanted no part of that and Matchbox cars did the trick. For Drew, we knew that food would work so it was Mike & Ike's (he "hates" chocolate). We know that going #2 on the potty, for most kids, is harder than #1. Drew hasn't figured out the #2 yet, so we keep telling him (or I should say bribing him!) with a trip to the toy store to pick out anything he wants. And what he wants is a huge, blue cement mixer.

Today after a failed attempt, he was talking about the cement mixer. I said, "And how are you going to get the cement mixer?" thinking he would respond "by going on the potty".

His response? "STEAL IT!"

Guess we still have some time before he gets #2 down...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

We spent 2 of the 3-day weekend in Mattapoisett where Jack and Drew got lots of beach and water time and Ben got lots of attention. The days went by quickly and both nights we got home late, which worked out great because on the drive home on the 4th, the boys were able to see fireworks from the car. It was perfect because we didn't have to leave our nice cold car (it was H-O-T!) and the noise didn't scare any of them. Our kind of fireworks!

Ben & Leah

Homemade (by me!) bread & butter pickles - YUM

Hammock time

Ben & Nana

Jack saying good-bye to Ben before shipping off to sea

Going fishing


Playing on the beach (with a hammer) is hard work
