Sunday, June 20, 2010


As the work on the house continues, and with an ending nowhere in sight, to say it can be hard at times is an understatement. Will it all be worth it in the end? Absolutely. Do we love what we are seeing for results? Without a doubt. But on a day-to-day basis, that can get lost sometimes. But every once in a while, we are reminded. Like today, when Josh randomly found this polaroid in the fireplace room. You may wonder how that would remind us (or more specifically me) why we are doing this house renovation. Well, it's pretty simple. I grew up in this house. I was brought home from the hospital to this house. And I love how we've brought Jack, Drew, & Ben home to this house after they were born. At the same hospital. I love how we randomly found this picture (although to be honest, the workers found it somewhere in that room and put it on the mantel for us to find). And I love the history that this house has. So we'll get there, eventually, with the help of little reminders along the way.

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