Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Time Capsule

The workers poured the concrete for the new steps today and hinted to me before they left that they were wet and would be for a few hours. So out we went to make a permanent memory that we may or may not see again someday.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


As the work on the house continues, and with an ending nowhere in sight, to say it can be hard at times is an understatement. Will it all be worth it in the end? Absolutely. Do we love what we are seeing for results? Without a doubt. But on a day-to-day basis, that can get lost sometimes. But every once in a while, we are reminded. Like today, when Josh randomly found this polaroid in the fireplace room. You may wonder how that would remind us (or more specifically me) why we are doing this house renovation. Well, it's pretty simple. I grew up in this house. I was brought home from the hospital to this house. And I love how we've brought Jack, Drew, & Ben home to this house after they were born. At the same hospital. I love how we randomly found this picture (although to be honest, the workers found it somewhere in that room and put it on the mantel for us to find). And I love the history that this house has. So we'll get there, eventually, with the help of little reminders along the way.

A Crabby Sunday

We headed out to Duxbury beach earlier than we normally do because it was triple-H (hazy, hot, and humid), low tide, and thunderstorms were in the forecast for the afternoon. It was BUSY! Everyone else had the same idea!

It was also HOT! The tide pools felt great - not as cold as the ocean, but cold enough to be refreshing. Jack and Drew had fun digging a pool to play and splash in. And Jack found a crab, and another crab, and another crab..... there were so many! Many of them were females laying their eggs. We've never seen so many crabs there - very cool!

Happy Father's Day!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Little League Award

Last weekend we took Jack to a skills competition at the little league field. All kids competed in running, throwing, and hitting. We turned in a card with Jack's time and information and went on our way. Well, last night we received an email that Jack won an award! He came in third place in running (around the bases the fastest)! Way to go Jack! A trophy and an award in less than 24 hours!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Last T-Ball Game

Today was Jack's last day of Kindergarten! And it was also his last t-ball game of the year. After the game, the kids had pizza, popsicles, and cupcakes to celebrate the season. And they all got a t-ball trophy too! Jack was so excited about getting his first trophy - he wouldn't let go of it for hours!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Car Seat

I feel like Ben is forever in his car seat, being toted from here to there to everywhere. Luckily he doesn't seem to mind too much!

Habitat Day

Over the school year, Jack has been learning about different kinds of habitats. And today at school was Habitat Day. The kids were asked to make a project about a habitat - anything they wanted. Jack had a few ideas on what animals he wanted to use - beaver, octopus, shark - but we decided to go the store and see what we could find first and then decide. And he immediately picked out the polar bear. We spent Saturday afternoon making the project and talking about polar bears - where they live, what they eat, etc... He was very into his project and very proud of the final outcome - us too!

Zach & Jack with their new habitat book from Mrs. Murphy

Italian Ice tongues!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Field Day

Jack had his first Field Day today! Ben and I surprised him and we watched some of his fun activities, including the Water Sponge Relay, the Math Challenge, and the Spoon Relay. He was having so much fun with his friends! One more week of Kindergarten to go!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Drew's preschool classes ended the last week in May and last week and this week are special weeks they call "camp". It's not with all of the same friends (you have to sign up for it) but it is with the same teachers. Space is limited and, luckily, there was a spot for Drew. They have been following a pirate theme and they have lots of pirate stuff in the classroom - toys, dress up clothes, fishing poles, sand table, you name it! They even pretend to dig for buried treasure on the playground! Today when I picked him up he was wearing a pirate hat and holding a treasure chest full of "rings and money".

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tree Frog

The boys found a tree frog in the yard this morning (Jack kept calling it a "red-eyed tree frog", which he learned about on Diego) and they put him in the bug house so that they could keep an eye on him. Jack declared that this was the "best frog he ever had!". And then asked if he could get a pet frog. Or a pet fish.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Home Run!

Jack hit a home run tonight - and it was the only one of the game! A's beat the Red Sox - the only time we like seeing the Red Sox lose!

warming up

Home Run!!

in the field