Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wacky Woods

Today at Jack's school they had the annual "Wacky Woods" which is sort of like a haunted house, except it's in the woods next to his school. All day Saturday Jack kept saying "Wacky Woods tomorrow at 2" (over and over) and then he'd say "um, what is Wacky Woods"? Jack's friend Zach invited him to go with his family, but Drew also wanted to go, so we sent Jack with Zach and then met up with them after Drew's nap. All of the kids dress up so I took the opportunity to get some pictures of Jack in his Halloween costume before he went.

Once Drew got up from his nap, he was excited and anxious to go find Jack at the "Wacky Wheel"!

Jack, Zach, & Cam

Drew was a little scared after going through the woods - not sure it's meant for 2-year olds... So much so that he wanted to put his spider hat on (which he was very against before) thinking that maybe it would protect him??

We went through the woods again as a family, this time Drew had his hat on, and he seemed to do much better this time around!

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