Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat

Like last year, we celebrated Halloween with Mike, Jodie, Charlie, and Henry in Josh's old neighborhood. Unlike last year, the wagon was used for "daddy drinks" (beer) and the boys had to walk! Although Drew did end up climbing in and riding with the beer. They were out for about an hour and came home with enough candy to last them until next Halloween!

Jack's Last Soccer Game

Today was Jack's last soccer game. Sadly, we missed a few games due to rain and the fall session went by too quickly! It was a beautiful morning for soccer - sunny and 70 degrees. Jack enjoyed being with his friends and Drew enjoyed being with his girlfriends. A boy on Jack's team, Riley, who is also in his kindergarten class, has 4 sisters - 3 who are 10 and in the 4th grade, and one who is 7 and in the 2nd grade - who all ADORE Drew. According to Riley's parents, they talk about and wonder if Drew will be at the game so that they can play with him. Drew loves all of the attention and it lets us watch Jack play soccer!

Drew and his girlfriends!

Go Grey Team! See you in the Spring!

Halloween Art Projects

Happy Halloween! The boys brought home some Halloween art projects from school this week - very cute!



Friday, October 30, 2009

Hat Day

Hmmm.... apparently Jack (and the kindergarten class) is too old to wear his Halloween costume to school? Instead they had "Hat Day" and Jack wanted to wear his police hat from last year's Halloween costume. He also wanted to wear the whistle, but that wasn't happening... So Officer Jack Snyder came out of retirement today and made a special appearance for Hat Day.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wacky Woods

Today at Jack's school they had the annual "Wacky Woods" which is sort of like a haunted house, except it's in the woods next to his school. All day Saturday Jack kept saying "Wacky Woods tomorrow at 2" (over and over) and then he'd say "um, what is Wacky Woods"? Jack's friend Zach invited him to go with his family, but Drew also wanted to go, so we sent Jack with Zach and then met up with them after Drew's nap. All of the kids dress up so I took the opportunity to get some pictures of Jack in his Halloween costume before he went.

Once Drew got up from his nap, he was excited and anxious to go find Jack at the "Wacky Wheel"!

Jack, Zach, & Cam

Drew was a little scared after going through the woods - not sure it's meant for 2-year olds... So much so that he wanted to put his spider hat on (which he was very against before) thinking that maybe it would protect him??

We went through the woods again as a family, this time Drew had his hat on, and he seemed to do much better this time around!

The Worm

Josh went outside to get something out of the garage and came right back in and called inside to the boys, "want to see the biggest worm ever"? The boys went rushing outside and were in awe of the worm! And for much longer than we expected - so much so that we had to finally tell them to leave the poor worm alone! They were trying to feed him pine needles and leaves, to show him where the puddle was so that he could go swimming, and then finally to show him where the grass was so that he could go home (and hide!).

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Big Boy

One of the things at preschool that they concentrate on at Drew's age is self-help skills. One of those is that they have the kids pour their own drinks from a pitcher (!) and they drink from cups. When I first heard this I was a little worried because Drew has never drank from a cup before, so I was (and still am!) sure to send in an extra pair of clothes every day. But he must have caught on pretty fast because he asked for a cup of orange juice at home today and had no issues at all drinking from the cup! Such a big boy!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Dirty Job

Sometimes there are jobs around the house that aren't very glamorous. One of them being getting ready for the septic tank to be pumped. But Jack and Drew, thankfully, think anything that involves dirt and a shovel is exciting and wonderful, so they were more than willing to help. Jack understood the whole septic tank idea much more than we thought he would and kept telling Drew, "it's going to STINK!" among other things...