Saturday, July 11, 2009

Life Jackets

We spent the beautiful day in Mattapoisett today. Rob's family was visiting for the weekend and it was great to meet everyone we have heard so much about from Leah. One of the highlights for us, besides meeting everyone, of course, oh - and the pierogies!, was getting Drew to go out on the boat AND wear a life jacket!! Jack isn't so sure about the boat (he's never been out), but he's definitely sure about the life jacket - he won't wear it. We thought a little peer pressure (seeing Drew wear the jacket and go for a ride) would help Jack along, but not yet... We're thinking a new spiffy "big boy" life jacket may do the trick. Wish us luck!

Captain Drew driving the boat.

All set to go!

Jack sits in the dingy (in 2 feet of water).

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