Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jack and The Harley

Jack checks out a Harley at Far Fars on the way to the beach. He actually put down his "yummy vanilla" (like father, like son!) ice cream cone, that he had been asking to get all day, to go and get a closer look. He was most interested in the "kick stand", which he also sometimes calls a "stopper", since his two-wheeler doesn't have one - ha! That was one BIG bike!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Face Painting

This is how Jack looked when I picked him up from camp today! He asked to look like Spiderman. How cute is he???

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Boys and Their Toys

The boys always ask to go to Sears to "ride" the lawnmowers/tractors. Of course, they need to sit on and drive (and try to break!) each and every one in the store. And there are is always a good ol' tantrum when we leave... I'm starting to think the guys in Sears know us (and not for good reasons). And apparently you can never be too young to appreciate the luxury of a ride-on mower!

Farmer Jack

Farmer Drew

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Life Jackets

We spent the beautiful day in Mattapoisett today. Rob's family was visiting for the weekend and it was great to meet everyone we have heard so much about from Leah. One of the highlights for us, besides meeting everyone, of course, oh - and the pierogies!, was getting Drew to go out on the boat AND wear a life jacket!! Jack isn't so sure about the boat (he's never been out), but he's definitely sure about the life jacket - he won't wear it. We thought a little peer pressure (seeing Drew wear the jacket and go for a ride) would help Jack along, but not yet... We're thinking a new spiffy "big boy" life jacket may do the trick. Wish us luck!

Captain Drew driving the boat.

All set to go!

Jack sits in the dingy (in 2 feet of water).

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Union Playdate

We had lots of boys at the house today! Oh, a new little lady too! Lauri & Ryan (20 months) and Emily & Will (4), Henry (2), and Clara (not even two weeks! no pics of her though) came over for a Union playdate. Drew and Ryan got to "drive" the milk truck (I have a feeling this is going to be a new Thursday habit!) and the boys did lots of playing in the sandbox and on the swing set. Jack was at camp and missed out on most of the fun, but was able to see everyone for a little bit before it was time to go. Thanks for coming over - we had fun!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Weekend Ending

We ended the weekend the same way we started it - at Duxbury Beach. Three wonderful days of sunny, warm weather with friends, family, and lots of beach time. Who could have asked for a better weekend?


We took the training wheels off of Jack's bike since he was been riding the smaller "two-wheeler" (as he calls it) without any issues. After a few attempts, he was off and running on the big "two-wheeler"!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Today felt like the first nice, sunny day we have had in months. We spent the entire day on the beach in Mattapoisett doing nothing. Perfect! Here are some favorite pics from the day.

Friday, July 3, 2009


We kicked off the holiday weekend by heading to Duxbury Beach. The highlight, in Jack's case anyhow, was roasting marshmallows. You would have thought it was Christmas morning! Drew, our salt-loving little man, was more interested in eating potato chips!