Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Union Fair

The boys and I went back to Maine (Josh stayed behind) for another visit. We all went to the Union Fair. I went once before - about 20 years ago! - and not one thing has changed. The first thing the boys saw was the tractors (there were hundreds!) and they didn't want to budge from them, although we did get them to go and see the animals - cows, pigs, goats, llamas, chickens, etc... - for a bit. But back to the tractors we all went. It was definitely the highlight of the Fair (or Fairy, as Jack kept calling it!). We tried to convince Laura to enter the blueberry spitting contest, but she wasn't up to it. There's always next year.....

Drew checks out the piglets.

Laura started to like the tractors after a while!

Jack's favorite part - getting a new truck!

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