Monday, August 30, 2010

Thinking Inside the Box

It's true what they say - kids can have all the toys in the world and really, they are just as happy with an empty box sometimes!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Our good friend from Union, Lauren (or Dell) was in Marion this weekend for a wedding. Today we met up with her and her husband, Rob, in Mattapoisett. We also got to meet her daughter Lucey for the first time! She's about a month and a half older than Ben and such a happy baby! They'll be future ski school buddies.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Union Fair

We made our annual trip to the Union Fair and sadly, it may be our last time going. There weren't many people there, hardly any rides, and hardly any animals. It was depressing! But the boys did enjoy sitting on the tractors and getting new toys!

Drew thought the animals were "stinky"!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Hot Air Balloons

We (me, Josh, Mimi, & Ben) drove up to Montreal today to attend our friend Jay's wedding. As we were driving into Montreal, we could see dozens of hot air balloons as the sun was setting. It was one of the most amazing and cool things I have ever seen!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday Jack!

Can it really be true?? Jack is 6 years old today. Unbelievable. Where has the time gone??

We started celebrating early in the day because he wanted to go out to breakfast and have pancakes. Although he ordered french toast and ate every last bite. We then had a big party for his friends and our family. Lots of 6-year-old boys running around like crazy and getting into trouble in a bouncy house (not to mention a crazy 3-year-old too). I wish I had taken more pictures, but there was just not enough time...

Happy 6th Birthday Jacker!! We love you!!

Charlie and Jack looking at their goody-bags after the party.

What to wish for....

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tool Time

Paul, the carpenter and the man who runs the show on our addition, surprised the boys with their very own tool-belts today! He did this for various reasons - he wanted to give Jack a little something for his birthday, he knew the boys would go crazy over them, but most of all, I think he was getting tired of Drew's "sticky fingers" and never being able to find his own tools! One things for sure - they definitely went crazy over them!

Tape measure? Check.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010


The baby swing and bouncy seat don't have much time left (their weight limit is 20 pounds) and so we dug out the Exersaucer for Ben. Hard to believe he's already ready for this next phase of baby gear! He loved it and was belly laughing for quite a while in there. And Jack and Drew loved interacting with Ben in there and making him laugh.

Backyard Wildlife

Up until this summer, we maybe saw a hawk a few times a year. But this summer we not only see one, but two, and they are here in the yard every day. We may not always see them, but we can hear them. This guy (or girl) was sitting on the swing set for a while this morning, looking for his next meal. Drew said it was "boo-tee-ful".