Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

April Vacation

We all had a spring break this past week!

My parents generously offered to take Jack and Drew to Maine while they were on April vacation from school. And while they were away, Ben, Josh, and I headed to Mattapoisett to get a break from the construction at the house.

Everyone had a great week!

Ben got to be an only child - something that he won't get to be too often!

Jack and Drew were kept VERY busy in Maine. They went to the movies to see How to Train Your Dragon, to the island of Islesboro (and on ferry rides!), to the Maine Wildlife Park (where they saw a moose and a bald eagle and they fed a bear and a deer), to the Owls Head Transportation Museum, and much more!!

One of the things we need to get Mimi and Bobba is a camera!! Because we don't have any pictures of these wonderful things they did with the boys. However, these pictures were in my inbox today - one of their friends, who has a boat, also has a camera : )

A BIG thank you to Mimi and Bobba for having Jack and Drew in Maine for the week! They had so much with you!

And a BIG thank you to Nana and Pop for having Ben, Josh, and I in Mattapoisett for the week! We had a great week with you as well!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Rainbow Connection

We always see the most beautiful rainbows in Mattapoisett and today was no exception. It really was THAT vivid!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Knuckles Out

Jack: My cousin told me that when you have your knuckles out, that you have to eat really cold food.

Me: When you have your knuckles out? (I didn't even touch on the fact that he doesn't have any cousins....)

Jack: Yes, when you have your knuckles out, you have to eat really cold food.

Me: Jack, I'm confused - what are you talking about?

Jack: When you have your knuckles out, you have to eat really cold and soft food for a long time.

Me: Oh, do you mean when you have your tonsils out?

Jack: Oh, yes, tonsils!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


We got a new tub for Ben and he was in heaven tonight in his tubby! He kept kicking his legs in the water and didn't want to get out. A pisces indeed!

Go Sox!

It's Red Sox Spirit Week at Drew's school! One of the trustees loaned his authentic Fenway seat for pictures. I brought my camera today and took these - I love how the seat number is 3 (since Drew is 3...)!

Doing the wave!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Weekend

Jack, Drew, Ben, and I had a wonderful weekend in Mattapoisett with Nana and Pop! Josh was in Maine for his fantasy baseball draft and the 4 of us headed down there on Friday afternoon and Josh joined us on Sunday morning. The boys had a great time playing outside, going to the beach, going on bike rides, dying eggs, playing wii, gardening with Nana, going on an egg hunt, and pretending that Tobey was an alien (and pretending to shoot him - yikes!)!! Thanks Nana and Pop for having us and all of our craziness!!

Drew using his right hand...

...and his left hand...

Happy Easter!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Drew's Cheerleader

During Drew's swim lesson today, Jack was there to give him encouragement, pep talks, and positive reinforcement! "Two thumbs up, Drew!!"

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Jack and Drew continue to be awed by all that is Ben. They are both now in "help" mode - they want to help put on his hat before going outside, help change his diaper, help bathe him, help burp him, and so on.

Both of them were especially affectionate towards him today - I love the look in Jack's eyes and Drew's gentle touch.