Thursday, October 7, 2010

We're Moving!

Ok, we aren't moving - but our blog is!

The Snyders and our stories can now be found at

The link is also on the right hand side of this page. Come check us out!

Old posts will not be moving with us, so be sure to keep this link (there will also be one on the new page as well) if you want to take a trip down memory lane : )

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Scary - or Not?

When I picked up Drew from school today he was wearing this mask.

I said, "Drew - You are SO SCARY!" to which he replied, "Mom, it's just a mask".

I'd Like a Table by The Window, Please

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bus Stop Talk

Jack and I had the following conversation this morning waiting for the bus.

Jack: "Mom, do you know what child birth is?"

Me: "Um... yes... I... um... do you?"

Jack: "Yes, it's when you burp up a child."

Me: "Wait, what did you call it?"

Jack: "Child burp".

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Apple Picking

Today we made our annual trip out to Honey Pot Hill Orchards to go apple picking. Fall has arrived and the air was cool and crisp. We were worried that there may not be many apples left since everyone was saying it was an early picking season, but there were tons and tons of trees to pick from. And they are yummy! Of course, no trip would be complete with a hayride, sitting on tractors, hot dogs, and cider donuts - our favorite!! although Drew didn't understand why they didn't have sprinkles...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

7 Months Old

I can sit!

look at those yummy leggers!


While Josh was at the Pats game today, the boys and I had fun making ghosts. They came out so cute! And the boys just love them - me too!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Drew's First Day of School

Today was Drew's first day of preschool at the Cole School! We learned in late August that he was accepted off the waitlist and we couldn't have been happier. Jack went to preschool here as well and had the same teachers (Ms. Anne & Mrs. Judy) and we know Drew will love it as much as Jack did. We were a little nervous about how he was going to be this morning (new school, new friends, new teachers - not to mention leaving mommy) but he did great! No tears, no whining, no "one more hug". Just Drew being very excited about being a big boy! YAY Drew!

one last look

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rice Cereal

I finally got around to introducing Ben to the world of solid foods today! All went as expected - funny faces, a little eating, and lots of play time with the spoon.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Season

Jack is playing soccer again and they now have practice too! His team has both 1st & 2nd graders and a couple of his friends are on his team again - Andrew & Riley. Riley's dad is his coach (he was last year too!) and Drew is thrilled because Riley's sisters (he has 4) are his "friends". They love playing with him and he loves the attention!

First Day of First Grade

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Open House

Jack sitting at his first grade desk!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday in Mattapoisett

Leah came home for the weekend and so we headed down to Mattapoisett. It was the perfect day - beautiful weather, lots of family time, and not doing much of anything.

Ice Cream Truck!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dairy Twist

I took Jack and Drew to the beach today and on the way home we stopped at Dairy Twist for the first time. Every time we drive by it is PACKED with no place to park and long long lines. But today, I am assuming because it was the middle of the day and in the middle of the week, there were only a few people there. The boys loved it! Drew had to have a cup AND a cone and he takes after his big brother and dad and ordered vanilla. But Jack was a little more daring today and went for oreo!

cup AND cone

happy feet

Monday, August 30, 2010

Thinking Inside the Box

It's true what they say - kids can have all the toys in the world and really, they are just as happy with an empty box sometimes!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Our good friend from Union, Lauren (or Dell) was in Marion this weekend for a wedding. Today we met up with her and her husband, Rob, in Mattapoisett. We also got to meet her daughter Lucey for the first time! She's about a month and a half older than Ben and such a happy baby! They'll be future ski school buddies.