Friday, November 27, 2009


We flew to Charlotte on Thanksgiving to visit with the Leibowitz side of the family for a few days. It was a very quick trip (we were there for literally 48 hours!), but we all had a great time and enjoyed seeing and spending time with Great Nana, Teri, Bernie, Jason, Adam, Susie, Phillip, Sarah, Sydni, and Lynn!

Drew's first plane ride

in-flight entertainment

playing in the hotel window

The day after Thanksgiving we (Teri, Susie, Sarah, and us) took the boys on their first train ride into the city to Discovery Place (sort of a mix between a kid's and a science museum). The boys had so much fun, but the highlight for them was definitely the train ride (in both directions)!

Jack waiting for the train with Susie and Sarah


Teri and Drew

Sarah lying on a bed of nails!!

Pirate Jack and Pirate Susie

Jack feeding the ducks/geese at Teri and Bernie's

the boys with Sarah and Sydni

the boys with Great Nana

Lynn, Sydni, Nana, and Sarah

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Boys are Thankful for...

There's nothing better than the boys bringing home art projects. LOVE seeing what they create, do, and say!

Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Drew's turkey.

Monday, November 23, 2009

School Pictures

It's true what they say - school pictures can be really good or they can be really bad. I think we have one of each this year! Jack's picture is, well... the bad one. It doesn't even look like him!

Jack's kindergarten class.

Drew's Playgroup class (2 year olds).

Drew's Discovery AM class (mixed ages).

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Look Out Below!

Today was Jack's last day of swimming! It was a tough session for us. Started out great and then went downhill quickly, when Jack developed a fear of drowning (out of nowhere). Every Thursday Jack would get off the bus and say that he "felt sick". But thanks to his swim teacher, Chris, he was able to get through it and learn how to swim! This picture is of Jack jumping into the deep end (9 feet deep!) all by himself! Way to go Jack!