Saturday, August 22, 2009

Jack's Turn to Cool off

Another HOT and HUMID day and the boys wanted to play with the hose to cool off. Jack was excited to finally get a turn, after seeing Drew have so much last week (and being too sick to play with him). Sure enough, they started fighting over whose turn it was, but Daddy came to the rescue and they each got their own! Then the real fighting began....

Friday, August 21, 2009

Jack Goes to the Dentist

Jack had his 6-month check-up at the dentist this morning. He insisted on bringing his own sunglasses (he remembers wearing the ones they provide during the cleaning) and was beaming from to ear to ear when he received compliments on them from the hygienist. He picked watermelon flavored toothpaste for his cleaning (a new flavor!) and had x-rays taken. We were able to see all of his permanent teeth behind his baby teeth, just waiting to push through (although we have about a year or so until that happens). Jack got rave reviews on his teeth - great spacing, nice and strong - and was praised (as was I) for doing a great job brushing. Way to go Jack!


Waiting for x-rays

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Another Try...

Nana, Pop, and Uncle Donald came over today and brought a HUGE cupcake for Jack! He seemed excited about it, made a wish for a new truck, and blew out the candle, but when it came time to eat some, he refused. We'll get there... and when he's feeling better, we'll get him another cake to celebrate!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Balloon Fun

The boys, especially Drew, just love balloons! Drew played with this one for a good 15 minutes during the party today... he kept laughing whenever he hit it and it came back and hit him in the face!

Jack's Pirate Party

After much debate, we ended up having Jack's party. He seemed to perk up a bit and was excited to have some of his school friends over to celebrate his birthday, even though he didn't feel much like celebrating. It was fun having the boys from his class over (minus Andrew, who was away), but boy, they sure have a lot of energy! Lots of pics...

Bouncy house fun


Seamus, Jack, & Cam

Jack's new tattoo

Treasure chest pinata

Jack's turn!

Seamus takes a 2nd turn, this
time without the blindfold.

Jack takes another turn



Pirate Jack

Pirate Booty/Favors

Drew Cools Off

It was a hot, humid day today and because the bouncy house was in the direct sun, we used the hose to cool it down and put Drew into his swim suit. Then Drew decided to play with the hose for a while. He kept spraying himself in the face over and over and kept acting surprised (and laughing hysterically) each time the water hit his face (even after 20 times!). Be sure to click on the pictures so that you can see his expressions close-up!

Bouncy House

Today for Jack's party (which up until 2pm was on the verge of being cancelled), we ordered a bouncy house. We knew Jack wasn't feeling well when he didn't even want to try it out. He did, however, sit on the front step and watch it get set up. Drew "helped" and then spent the rest of the day inside bouncing, bouncing, and more bouncing. Josh spent quite a bit of time in there too...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Sick Birthday Boy

Poor Jack... He spent his 5th birthday sleeping on the couch all day with a fever of 104. No last day of camp, no cake, no presents, no nothing... He just wanted to sleep.