Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More Indoor Games

More rain, more fun on the computer. This time Jack actually looks like he's enjoying himself! Baba too…

And surprise surprise, Drew wanted to play on the computer...


Drew is not one to sit still for very long, so we knew he was feeling a little bit better when he wanted to go outside and play with bubbles, which we were more than happy to do, even in the rain!

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Croup

Our trip to Maine, although short, was certainly eventful. Drew developed a high fever of 104 and was having trouble breathing, so we ended up bringing him to the emergency room at 4am. Immediately the doctor told us that he had an acute case of croup. After 9 long hours of neb treatments, steroid treatments, a steroid injection, and x-rays, Drew was better enough for us to bring him home. Never a dull moment with this one! Although he did sleep a lot while we were at the hospital - here's a picture of him resting. He looked too cute not to take a picture.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Indoor Games

We headed to Maine for a long weekend to try and escape our house for a few days. Too much rain and dreary weather was giving us some serious cabin fever (see the popcorn dance post!). But lucky us, the weather was just as bad up there (except for the drive up, of course, which was bright blue skies most of the way!). Jack had lots of fun playing on the computer with Baba (although he looks rather bored in this picture....) and learning how to play mindsweeper!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Popcorn Dance

It's been over a week since we've seen the sun (not to mention it's been raining every day as well) and the boys are going stir crazy. Ok, I think they are beyond stir crazy at this point. And so the popcorn dance was born...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Getting Drew to try new things isn't always easy, but if he sees Jack having or doing something, it certainly helps the situation. We finally got him to try a smoothie and he loves them now!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Two Days Left

Jack has two more days left of Pre-K! Today he gave his teachers and bus driver a little "Happy Summer" gift to thank them for everything they did this year. JoAnne, his bus driver, said that she has been driving the bus for 10 years, that she has her favorites, and that Jack is at the top of the list! Jack loves her and we're going to miss her next year!

Jack's gift to his teachers.

In class today they celebrated the summer birthdays and Jack was wearing this crown when I got him off the bus. Can't believe he is going to be five in a couple of months!

"I'm going to be FIVE!"

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Two Wheels!

It literally took Jack ONE day to learn how to ride a bike (and he mostly taught himself!). Check it out!

Saturday, June 6, 2009