Saturday, May 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Henry!

Jack's an Eel!

Jack has graduated from his beginner swim class and is now ready for the next level, Eel (which is still a beginner class, but he now has the basics down and can move up a level)! He's going to take the summer off, since he'll be swimming every day at camp, but we hope to have him back in the water come fall or winter. And hopefully Drew will join him once he turns 3... he's already asking to go in (and trying to undress himself whenever he gets near the pool)!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

After getting some things done around the house, we headed out to Duxbury Beach for the first time this year. It was a beautiful afternoon, although a little chilly. But that didn't stop the boys! Drew was in the water the whole time. I took tons of pictures (big surprise!) and Josh kept waiting for me to put down the camera so that we could have a nice anniversary dinner together (grilled chicken sandwiches and Snyder homebrew) while the boys kept themselves busy.

Drew gets air!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday in Mattapoisett

Jon, Meg, Campbell, & Baxter joined us in Mattapoisett for the day. While the weather wasn't very nice (and pretty chilly!), we had a great visit.

Drew's ready to go fishing.

Wait for me!

"You coming, Mom?"



Friday, May 22, 2009

I Love My Mom Because...

Jack's latest class book.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Jack & Jeff play some bocce in Mattapoisett.

Friday, May 15, 2009

For the Birds

The boys love to help daddy with chores and one of their favorites is filling up the bird feeders. The bags are almost as big as they are!

Drew Gets to Work

From the bucket to the mop...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rock Stars

Leah came over today to hang with the boys and they were very excited to see her, especially since it was her birthday (or at least Jack was because he knows what that means). Drew was more excited about her sunglasses and wearing them. And then of course, Jack wanted to as well. They pretended to be "rock stars" and were striking all sorts of funny poses. Happy Birthday Leah - we're glad you got to party with rock stars on your birthday!!

Rock star Jack.

Rock star Drew.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

We had a great day today! We relaxed, played outside, and just hung out - perfect! Here are some pictures from the day.

Jack's Mother's Day card (outside).



Jack's Mother's Day gift - a travel mug with a picture of him, me, and a heart.

Mommy's favorite flowers, peonies.

Inchworm on Jack.

A toad.

The boys checking out the toad with Daddy.