Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring is Here

It was so beautiful out today so we spent most of it outside.

Drew gets to work.

Look out below!

Head first.

Drew gave Jack a little push so that it could
be "his turn".

No Goggles

Jack didn't want to wear his goggles at swimming today. After his lesson I asked him why and he said, "Mommy, sometimes I just want to wear my eyes".

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pokemon Cards

Jack came home from school today with his backpack full of pokemon cards (courtesy of his best friend Seamus) and he had to show them to me before he even got off the bus. I told his driver, "I have no idea what that means" when he said he had them and she just laughed. Jack was very excited and ran into the house to lay them all out and play with them. My mom arrived later and Jack told her, "I have pokemon cards Mimi!" and she said, "I have no idea what that means". Then Josh called and Jack got on the phone and told him about the cards and then handed the phone back to me and what did Josh say? "I have no idea what that means". Looks like Jack will be giving us all a lesson in pokemon cards!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Go See Llama

Every day after we drop Jack off at school, Drew says, "I want to go see llama" or just "go see llama". There are two llamas (fenced in) at a house close to us, so every day we "go see llama" on the way home. Drew tells me, "I want window down" and then he talks to the llamas (and sheep if they are there too). He also asks to "get out". Thankfully it's been too cold for that, but I'm sure we will "get out" once the warmer weather arrives. I just hope his next request isn't "go in"!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Patrick

When Jack woke up, I told him that today was St. Patrick's Day. He got very excited and said "When? Now?". I said "yes, all day today". To which he replied, "Let's go!". I asked him to where? His answer: "To Patrick's birthday party! Let's go!".... And all I heard all day was how he wanted to go to "Patrick's Birthday Party". And "right now". Before school, after school (and probably during), he wanted to go and celebrate Patrick's day. And by the end of the day, I did too!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009


We did some spring cleaning today (which is odd, considering it snowed!) and cleaned the car seats. Once they were washed and dry, we found Jack all buckled into Drew's seat and ready to watch some tv. Then he got in his seat and created his own la-z-boy (and of course, he buckled himself into that one too)!