Friday, February 27, 2009

Pretty Flowers

Drew loves to smell flowers, even ones that don't smell....

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Jack took a soccer class today at the Y. He loved running around, kicking the ball, yelling "kick it to me!", and mostly just being with Seamus.

Waiting for the ball.

Running with Seamus.

Playing goalie.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

Jack's Winter Projects

Today was Jack's last day of school before February vacation and they celebrated by having pajama day (which is why he's in his pajamas in these pictures)! He brought home a penguin bag filled with lots of fun projects that he's been working on, including George, the bear that we've been hearing about (and were confused about because we thought he was talking about Curious George the monkey). We kept saying, "Isn't George a monkey?" and Jack would reply, "No! He's a bear!".

Stuffed George.

George's award (not sure for what...).

I was a little surprised to see this on the bus with him....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine's Day Crafts

Today Jack's class celebrated Valentine's Day! He came home with a "dog bag" filled with valentines and presents from his friends.

Jack modeling Mommy's present that he made - a bracelet!

Jack's cookie that he decorated during the party.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Early Valentine

Jack brought home an early Valentine from school today. Can't wait to see the others!



Floor Hockey

Jack took a sports class at the Y today and learned how to play floor hockey!

Jack's turn as goalie.

He blocks the shot!

Fancy footwork.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fast Friends

Back in November Jack went to visit Bede (his great grandfather) in Hyannis for the day (I just received the picture in the mail). Jack loved seeing Bede's airplanes and he even got to take one home! He calls it "Bede's airplane". He also calls the Sagamore Bridge "Bede's bridge" - very cute! Not sure who is happier in this picture...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fresh Air

It was almost 50 degrees here today! We took advantage of the warm(ish) weather and opened all the windows to let the fresh air in (and the germs out!). We also headed outside to breathe it in and feel the sun on our faces!

Jack found a small patch of grass (something we haven't seen in months!).

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Winter Fun

Jack brought home a "Winter Fun" book that they made at school. Most of the kids talked about building snowmen, going sledding, or throwing snowballs with their siblings, but Jack talked about skiing with Daddy. Which is funny because he's only been once and that was last year... I guess he's trying to tell us something!

More Snow

It's amazing how much snow we've gotten this winter! It snowed all day yesterday and we got more last night. It's a shame the kids have been so sick because we haven't been playing in it as much as they would like to.

Monday, February 2, 2009


We are on a blog hiatus and with good reason. Our house has been invaded with germs and for the past month we have been battling ear infections (multiple), bronchitis, conjunctivitis, sinus infections, fevers, and bad colds. We'll be back when we are healthier and have some pictures that do not contain runny noses, flushed cheeks, or pink eyes. Stay tuned...