Thursday, January 22, 2009

Drew, the E.T.

Drew was having fun in a huge pile of toys today! Seeing him in the middle of everything reminded me of that scene in E.T. where he's hiding among all the stuffed animals. Too funny (and cute)!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Birthday Present Fun!

Yum.... french fries....

I didn't know McDonald's has salads...

Rock star in the making.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Drew's 2nd Birthday Party

Despite the whole family being sick, and Drew having a double ear infection, we went ahead with the birthday party today. It was fun to celebrate Drew turning two with everyone!

Drew is ready for cupcakes!

YAY! Jack is excited.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

All Jack Wanted for Christmas Was.....

Jack brought home from school today a book that his class had made for Santa. Santa was 1 for 2 with Jack, which we actually already knew. On Christmas night when Josh was saying good-night to Jack he asked him if he had a good day. Jack said yes, but that Santa forgot his Elmo guitar! Oops...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Drew Turns Two!

Happy 2nd Birthday Drew!

It's hard to believe Drew turned two today - it all goes by so fast. We are looking forward to celebrating with friends and family this weekend!