Sunday, July 27, 2008

Reading Time

Drew reading on Jack's bed while Jack puts his jams on (love how his book is upside down).

Jack wants to read too (love how their feet are touching).

Just love.

Wendy (aka Ratso)

There is a little dog who lives in Mattapoisett that loves to come visit the boys when we are there. The boys love Wendy too - Jack says that Wendy is "his dog" - and love to chase her. Not sure why she keeps coming back for more.... probably because she steals Tobey's bones!


The boys "playing" with Wendy.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sophia's 2nd Birthday Party

Today we went to Sophia's birthday party. It was VERY hot and humid and everyone loved playing in the water - the big pool, sprinklers, kiddie pool, and/or puddles.

Jack plays with Daddy in the sprinklers.

Drew splashes in the kiddie pool.

Olivia and Sophia play in the puddles.

Drew with a beer - once again.....

Sophia, the birthday girl.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Triple H

It was hazy, hot, and humid in Mattapoisett today. The boys loved being on the beach, where it was a little cooler.

Jack's excited about finding a clam in the water.

Drew taking a dip.

Drew and Josh looking at fish on the sandbar.

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July

Today we went to Rachael's first birthday party! The boys loved the pool and yes, Jack is swimming in his underwear!

The birthday girl.