Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tubby Time

We recently started bathing the boys together and they seem to like it. And the more bubbles the better!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Josh's (or Jack's?) Birthday Treat

Since we were at Olivia's party yesterday, we didn't celebrate Josh's birthday with a cake at home (we had Olivia's instead!). But tonight I thought it would be fun to have a little something for Josh, especially when I saw this little cake shaped like a burger - right up Josh's alley! And apparently Jack's too...

Jack thought this was the funniest thing!

Jack also thought it was his birthday...

This may be the only way to get him to eat lettuce!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Olivia's 3rd Birthday Party

Today was Olivia's 3rd birthday party! She wanted a princess party and she looked like one : )

The birthday girl.

Drew wanted to be a princess too!

Jack only eating the frosting (the best part!).

Jack and Drew enjoying Olivia's new ride.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Field Trips

Jack finished his first year of pre-K! His last two days of school were field trips. Yesterday we went to Humarock Beach and Jack had a blast with Seamus pushing dump trucks here, there, and everywhere. They are two peas in a pod!

Seamus and Jack.

Jack made this visor at school for his trip to the beach.

Drew wanted to try the visor on too!

Today the field trip was to a playground in Hingham. And there were more dump trucks there for Seamus and Jack!

Andrew, Jack, and Seamus.

Jack, Seamus, and Tyler.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Brotherly Love

Some cute pictures from today.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day 2008

Meg, Jon, and Campbell joined us in Mattapoisett today and we had a great visit with them. I could have taken pictures of her all day! A few of my favorites.....

Campbell was very happy and outgoing - a little too much for Drew (who actually cried when she got a little too close!).

Notice the death grip on Josh's finger!

Much happier, as he always is with Daddy!

Josh tried to get the boys more comfortable with Baxter (and dogs in general). Seemed to work because they both weren't running in the other direction!

Saturday, June 14, 2008


We were making dinner tonight and Drew was very interested in the limes on the counter. He had a blast pretending to eat them!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


The boys and I went on a walk today and a little white dog came running out of a house, barking at us. I said, "Look - there's a little white doggy". And Jack said, "No - that's a cat. Meow!". He is definitely his father's son (Josh is not a fan of small dogs and always says that if you want a small dog, you might as well just get a cat)!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Duxbury Beach

Our first trip this season to the beach. Drew obviously had a hard weekend and needed to unwind a bit.... and the Land Cruiser was a source of endless entertainment for all.

Henry Roland

Today we met Charlie's new baby brother, Henry. He's a cutie pie : )

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Drew vs. Tobey

Today was another beautiful day in Mattapoisett.Jack spent a lot of time playing baseball (Uncle Jeff played pitcher and Pop was the catcher) and riding his bike.

And Drew spent a lot of time avoiding Tobey.

This is what Jack looked like when we got him home......