Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

At school, Jack learned about recycling and taking care of the earth in April. Today he brought home this project which taught him how to reuse and old soup can and also how to grow grass! He is very proud of himself!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Cole's 1st Birthday Party

Today we went to Cole's first birthday party! Fun was had by all..... especially Drew.

Drew's enjoying Daddy's empty can of beer.

Charlie on the swings.

Jack and friends eating cake and cupcakes.

The birthday boy.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"Here comes the train" - Part 2

Here are some videos to go along with yesterday's post.....

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

"Here comes the train"

I was feeding Drew his dinner when the phone rang and I stepped away for a minute. After I hung up the phone I heard Jack talking to Drew and walked back to see Jack feeding him and saying "Open up Drew. Here comes the train. Choo-choo!". And Drew was letting him feed him! I wish I had the video camera closer but the camera was right there.....

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

We had a great day today! Jack gave me a Mother's Day present that he made at school (the poem was on the back).

Jeff and Lindsey came over for a visit. Drew loved sitting with Uncle Jeff!

Drew wanted to be one of the big boys and ride with Josh, Jeff, & Jack. And Jeff tried to teach Jack how to play baseball.

We tried to get some pictures of the boys and me, but it is pretty much impossible! Maybe next year...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Jack Saves the Inchworm

After Jack and Josh mowed the lawn today, Josh found an inch-worm on his shirt. Jack wanted to hold the "caterpillar" and after a while said it was "time to put him back outside where he belongs".

Friday, May 9, 2008

Hold the Pickle

Another week, another visit to the Happy Meal House. Jack usually has us take the pickle off his cheeseburger (he learned this from Josh who hates pickles), but today he wanted to leave it on. Half-way through, he found the pickle and wasn't too happy...... I imagine Josh had the same reaction.

Drew was happy with his fries and even shared them with Jack!

And then we had a moment that doesn't come along too often...... I guess Jack was happy to get some extra fries!

When the cat's away...

Drew loves to play with Jack's things when Jack is at school. Not only can he play with them, but he can play with them in peace and not have Jack shouting "that's mine! That's Jack's!" over and over (and over) again. Putting on a bike helmet might not seem like much, but for this 16-month old, putting on his possesive big brother's bike helmet is the best!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Deep Thoughts by Jack Snyder

You hear with your ears.
You see with your eyes.
And you smell like your nose.

-Jack, age 3