Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Jack Attack

Jack and I went into Drew's room this morning to get him up and dressed for the day. Jack climbed up onto Drew's crib and said "Mama, this is Drew Snyder. She's so cute!" (He obviously hasn't mastered the he/she pronouns yet). And then said "I'm Jack Attack Snyder." (His pre-k teacher, Ms. Anne, calls him Jack Attack!)

Before we left for school, I shot this quick video. There are some cute moments between them (of Jack trying to be a good big brother) and some funny ones too (of them causing trouble with each other).

Monday, April 28, 2008

Doctor visit

Took the boys to see Dr. Kauff (their pediatrician) today. Jack had a fever (his "hair was hot") and a sore throat (his "mouth was broken"). Both boys got throat cultures and both came back negative. Love those viruses you can't treat......

Sunday, April 27, 2008

From french fries....

... to pizza! Drew is starting to expand his menu.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Visiting Daddy at Work

Josh had to work today (Saturday) so the boys and I went to Russia Wharf to visit and have lunch with him. Jack loved going into "the city" to see Daddy at work. He counted the cranes, watched the "front loaders", chased pigeons, and cried when we left.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Boys love cars

Uncle George (my grandfather's brother) sent the boys some wooden cars that he made for them. My mom told me that he used to make them for the neighborhood kids growing up and now he's making them for their grandkids! They are adorable and the boys love them.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Drew's first french fry

Jack asked to go to "the happy meal" house (which used to be the "french fry house" - aka McDonald's) after Kindercare today and I got him his usual - cheeseburger happy meal with a juice box. Drew was eyeing Jack's food so I put a few french fries on his tray, thinking he would never eat them. But he couldn't get enough of them! Finally, table food here we come!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Here we go.....

After seeing a good friend's blog (thanks Kirstin!), we decided to start one as well. Such a good way to keep family and friends updated on what's happening with the boys, but also a great way for us to record the little things that happen (and get said) every day. Hope you all enjoy!!